The Board room in the UK is where key decisions are taken that affect everyone from employees to shareholders to the wider economy. These rooms must be able to adapt, comfortable and capable of accommodating a range of people. They can be used for anything from quick huddles, to brainstorming sessions brainstorming sessions. They can also be used for longer-term meetings, like annual strategic planning sessions.

The design of the room could influence how it is utilized. There are a myriad of styles for arranging a space that are suitable for use as a boardroom. The best design will create a professional ambience and make the space feel like a boardroom. Some of these rooms were designed for large-scale meetings, whereas others were better suited for smaller, more informal gatherings.

There is a growing movement toward purposeful brands, organisations and even places. Research has proven that those with an understanding of their mission and impact are more innovative and profitable, and grow faster than those who don't. We work with leaders who are ambitious who are at the interplay between branding and organisational development, and we assist them develop a strategy for the future that is built on an underlying base of mission and positive impact.

Boardroom Apprentice is a revolutionary board learning, development, and placement program. It bridges the gap between goals and reality by allowing a wider range of individuals to join boards. Anyone over the age of 18 who is willing and able to commit to a year of learning, board placements and development may apply.